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MLib Reference Manual | ![]() |
Top | Description |
Basic TypesBasic Types — Standard MLib types, defined for ease-of-use and portability from Glib types. |
#include <mlib.h> typedef mchar; typedef mshort; typedef mlong; typedef mint; typedef mboolean; typedef muchar; typedef mushort; typedef mulong; typedef muint; typedef mfloat; typedef mdouble; typedef mpointer; typedef mconstpointer; typedef msize; typedef mssize; typedef mint8; typedef muint8; typedef mint16; typedef muint16; typedef mint32; typedef muint32; typedef mint64; typedef muint64; typedef MObject; typedef MError; typedef mchars; typedef muchars; typedef mconstchars; typedef mconstuchars; typedef mflag; typedef MPublic; typedef MPrivate; typedef MStatus; typedef MId; typedef MIdOffSet; typedef MDefine; #define MCHARINIT #define mchar_new (name) #define MSHORTINIT #define mshort_new (name) #define MLONGINIT #define mlong_new (name) #define MINTINIT #define mint_new (name) #define MBOOLEANINIT #define mboolean_new (name) #define MUCHARINIT #define muchar_new (name) #define MUSHORTINIT #define mushort_new (name) #define MULONGINIT #define mulong_new (name) #define MUINTINIT #define muint_new (name) #define MFLOATINIT #define mfloat_new (name) #define MDOUBLEINIT #define mdouble_new (name) #define MPOINTERINIT #define mpointer_new (name) #define MSIZEINIT #define msize_new (name) #define MSSIZEINIT #define mssize_new (name) #define MCHARSINIT #define mchars_new (name) #define MUCHARSINIT #define muchars_new (name) #define MSTATUSINIT #define MStatus_new (name) #define MIDINIT #define MID_MAX #define MId_new (name) #define MNOID #define MIDOFFSETINIT #define MIdOffSet_new (name) #define MLIB_VAR
typedef gshort mshort;
Corresponds to the standard C short type.
Values of this type can range from G_MINSHORT
see also: gshort
typedef glong mlong;
Corresponds to the standard C long type.
Values of this type can range from G_MINLONG
see also: glong
typedef gint mint;
Corresponds to the standard C int type.
Values of this type can range from G_MININT
see also: gint
typedef gboolean mboolean;
A standard boolean type.
Variables of this type should only contain the value TRUE
see also: gboolean
typedef gushort mushort;
Corresponds to the standard C unsigned short type.
Values of this type can range from 0 to G_MAXUSHORT
see also: gushort
typedef gulong mulong;
Corresponds to the standard C unsigned long type.
Values of this type can range from 0 to G_MAXULONG
see also: gulong
typedef guint muint;
Corresponds to the standard C unsigned int type.
Values of this type can range from 0 to G_MAXUINT
see also: guint
typedef gfloat mfloat;
Corresponds to the standard C float type.
Values of this type can range from -G_MAXFLOAT
see also: gfloat
typedef gdouble mdouble;
Corresponds to the standard C double type.
Values of this type can range from -G_MAXDOUBLE
see also: gdouble
typedef gpointer mpointer;
An untyped pointer. mpointer looks better and is easier to use than void*.
see also: gpointer
typedef gconstpointer mconstpointer;
An untyped pointer to constant data. The data pointed to should not be changed.
This is typically used in function prototypes to indicate that the data pointed to will not be altered by the function.
see also: gconstpointer
typedef gsize msize;
An unsigned integer type of the result of the sizeof operator,
corresponding to the size_t type defined in C99.
This type is wide enough to hold the numeric value of a pointer,
so it is usually 32bit wide on a 32bit platform and 64bit wide on a 64bit platform.
Values of this type can range from 0 to G_MAXSIZE
To print or scan values of this type, use G_GSIZE_MODIFIER and/or G_GSIZE_FORMAT.
see also: gsize
typedef gssize mssize;
A signed variant of msize,
corresponding to the ssize_t defined on most platforms.
Values of this type can range from G_MINSSIZE
To print or scan values of this type, use G_GSIZE_MODIFIER and/or G_GSSIZE_FORMAT.
see also: gssize
typedef gint8 mint8;
A signed integer guaranteed to be 8 bits on all platforms.
Values of this type can range from G_MININT8
(= -128) to G_MAXINT8
(= 127).
see also: gint8
typedef guint8 muint8;
An unsigned integer guaranteed to be 8 bits on all platforms.
Values of this type can range from 0 to G_MAXUINT8
(= 255).
see also: guint8
typedef gint16 mint16;
A signed integer guaranteed to be 16 bits on all platforms.
Values of this type can range from G_MININT16
(= -32,768) to G_MAXINT16
(= 32,767).
To print or scan values of this type, use G_GINT16_MODIFIER and/or G_GINT16_FORMAT.
see also: gint16
typedef guint16 muint16;
An unsigned integer guaranteed to be 16 bits on all platforms.
Values of this type can range from 0 to G_MAXUINT16
(= 65,535).
To print or scan values of this type, use G_GINT16_MODIFIER and/or G_GUINT16_FORMAT.
see also: guint16
typedef gint32 mint32;
A signed integer guaranteed to be 32 bits on all platforms.
Values of this type can range from G_MININT32
(= -2,147,483,648) to G_MAXINT32
(= 2,147,483,647).
To print or scan values of this type, use G_GINT32_MODIFIER and/or G_GINT32_FORMAT.
see also: gint32
typedef guint32 muint32;
An unsigned integer guaranteed to be 32 bits on all platforms.
Values of this type can range from 0 to G_MAXUINT32
(= 4,294,967,295).
To print or scan values of this type, use G_GINT32_MODIFIER and/or G_GUINT32_FORMAT.
see also: guint32
typedef gint64 mint64;
A signed integer guaranteed to be 64 bits on all platforms.
Values of this type can range from
(= -9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to G_MAXINT64
(= 9,223,372,036,854,775,807).
To print or scan values of this type, use G_GINT64_MODIFIER and/or G_GINT64_FORMAT.
see also: gint64
typedef guint64 muint64;
An unsigned integer guaranteed to be 64 bits on all platforms.
Values of this type can range from 0 to G_MAXUINT64
(= 18,446,744,073,709,551,615).
To print or scan values of this type, use G_GINT64_MODIFIER and/or G_GUINT64_FORMAT.
see also: guint64
typedef GObject MObject;
GObject is the fundamental type providing the common attributes and methods for all object types in GTK+, Pango and other libraries based on GObject.
All the fields in the GObject structure are private to the GObject implementation and should never be accessed directly.
see also: GObject
typedef GError MError;
The MError structure contains information about an error that has occurred.
see also: GError
typedef guchar* muchars;
Corresponds to the standard C unsigned char* type.
see also: guchar
typedef const gchar* mconstchars;
Corresponds to the standard C const char* type.
see also: gchar
typedef const guchar* mconstuchars;
Corresponds to the standard C const unsigned char* type.
see also: guchar
typedef gboolean mflag;
A standard boolean type.
Variables of this type should only contain the value TRUE
see also: mboolean
typedef dsStatus MStatus;
: dsStatus
Numero intero con segno che identifica lo stato di una condizione corretta o errata.
typedef mint MId;
Numero intero con segno utilizzato come identificatore univoco di un elemento in un gruppo.
typedef muint MIdOffSet;
Numero intero senza segno utilizzato per indicare un limite offset raggiungibile da una variabile MId.
typedef ndsDefine MDefine;
Utilizzata per indicare l'avvenuta inizializzazione di una struttura
attraverso la macro costante dsDEFINE
#define mchar_new(name) mchar name = MCHARINIT
Declare and define a new mchar variable.
name of a new mchar variable |
#define mshort_new(name) mshort name = MSHORTINIT
Declare and define a new mshort variable.
name of a new mshort variable |
#define mlong_new(name) mlong name = MLONGINIT
Declare and define a new mlong variable.
name of a new mlong variable |
#define mint_new(name) mint name = MINTINIT
Declare and define a new mint variable.
name of a new mint variable |
#define mboolean_new(name) mboolean name = MBOOLEANINIT
Declare and define a new mboolean variable.
name of a new mboolean variable |
#define muchar_new(name) muchar name = MUCHARINIT
Declare and define a new muchar variable.
name of a new muchar variable |
#define mushort_new(name) mushort name = MUSHORTINIT
Declare and define a new mushort variable.
name of a new mushort variable |
#define mulong_new(name) mulong name = MULONGINIT
Declare and define a new mulong variable.
name of a new mulong variable |
#define muint_new(name) muint name = MUINTINIT
Declare and define a new muint variable.
name of a new muint variable |
#define mfloat_new(name) mfloat name = MFLOATINIT
Declare and define a new mfloat variable.
name of a new mfloat variable |
#define mdouble_new(name) mdouble name = MDOUBLEINIT
Declare and define a new mdouble variable.
name of a new mdouble variable |
#define mpointer_new(name) mpointer name = MPOINTERINIT
Declare and define a new mpointer variable.
name of a new mpointer variable |
#define msize_new(name) msize name = MSIZEINIT
Declare and define a new msize variable.
name of a new msize variable |
#define mssize_new(name) mssize name = MSSIZEINIT
Declare and define a new mssize variable.
name of a new mssize variable |
#define mchars_new(name) mchars name = MCHARSINIT
Declare and define a new mchars variable.
name of a new mchars variable |
#define muchars_new(name) muchars name = MUCHARSINIT
Declare and define a new muchars variable.
name of a new muchars variable |
#define MStatus_new(name) MStatus name = MSTATUSINIT
Declare and define a new MStatus variable.
name of a new MStatus variable |
#define MId_new(name) MId name = MIDINIT
Declare and define a new MId variable.
name of a new MId variable |
#define MNOID (-1)
Valore assunto da una variabile MId quando la variabile non contiene alcun valore identificativo.
#define MIdOffSet_new(name) MIdOffSet name = MIDOFFSETINIT
Declare and define a new MIdOffSet variable.
name of a new MIdOffSet variable |